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ShipmentsTickets-v1 1.0.0


1. Authenticate

Text (formatted, long)


  1. You should have registered in our developer portal. Check this link about how to register an Account.
  2. You should request access to the playground, sandbox and production environment using our Support page. Here is the link to support page to request access to our environments.
  3. You should have an App created in your account to get the client id and client secret. Check this link about how to create an App.

Note : The time data attribute on APIs follows a 24-hour clock starting at 00:00 and ending at 23:59.



The bearer token obtained after successful authentication should be passed as credential when calling this API for authentication. Check the Access Token API link for instructions on how to generate your bearer token.



Read the Get Started documentation if you are unaware of your client credentials.


2. Permisssions

3. Get Information

Text (formatted, long)

Get Account Information

Master account Id and account Id need to be passed in the header for this API call. This is needed to indicate your legal entity.
Refer to the Accounts API for instructions on how to retrieve your account information. You may skip this step if you already know your master account Id and account Id.


Text (formatted, long)

Get Site Information

Retrieve the available facility information which are assigned to you. You need the site code to indicate to which facility you want to make a request.
Refer to the Sites API for instructions on how to retrieve your site information. You may skip this step if you already know your sites.


Text (formatted, long)

Get Location Information

Retrieve the available location information which are assigned to you. You need the location name to indicate to which location in the facility you want to make a request.
Refer to the Locations API for instructions on how to retrieve your location information. You may skip this step if you already know your locations.

4. Retrieve Shipment information

The method can be used to retrieve details of a shipment ticket. 

 Method GET
End point /v1/shipment-tickets/{id}
Headers Authorization, Master-Account-Id, Account-Id
Query Parameters n/a
Body n/a


Sample Curl Request

curl --location --request GET '<id>' \
--header 'Master-Account-Id: <Master-Account-Id>' \
--header 'Account-Id: <Account-Id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'



Field Name Mandatory Type Description
Master-Account-Id true string Customer master account identifier.
Account-Id true string Customer account identifier.
Authorization true string Token-based authentication.


Query Parameters




Text (formatted, long)

Sample JSON Response

    "id": "WO9342719",
    "title": "Server Shipment X101",
    "status": "New",
    "site": "IAD024",
    "description": "New delivery for DFW010",
    "courier": "DHL",
    "customerReference": "REF05678",
    "trackingNumber": "",
    "requiresRemoteHandsTicket": "No",
    "packageCount": 1,
    "isLoadingBayRequired": false,
    "estimatedDeliveryDate": "",
    "createdOn": "2023-08-29 12:34:47",
    "updatedOn": "2023-08-29 13:59:05",
    "closedOn": "",
    "createdBy": "fsl_test Testing",
    "notificationRecipients": ",",
    "specialInstructions": "",
    "ticketType": "Shipping and Receiving",
    "comments": []


Payload Description

Field Name Type Description
id string(20) Identifier of the shipments work order.
title string(160) Label on the work order.
status string(enum) Designates the stage of the shipment.

values: [New, In Progress, Completed, Cancelled]
site string(6) Identifier of the receiving DLR facility.
description string(32k) Specifies in the work order what items are being shipped to the DLR receiving facility.
courier string(20) Designates what company is delivering the items specified in the shipment work order.
customerReference string(40) Customer Reference number.
trackingNumber string(100) Identifier of the courier order.
requiresRemoteHandsTicket string RemoteHandsTicket  Specification.
packageCount integer Number of items being shipped allocated to the work order.
isLoadingBayRequired boolean Indicates if a loading bay is needed.
estimatedDeliveryDate string(date-time) Estimated Date for Scheduled Shipment by the specified  Courier.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
createdOn string(date-time) Date on which the work order was generated.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
updatedOn string(date-time) Last date on which the work order details were modified.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
closedOn string(date-time) Date on which the work order’s status was marked Completed.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
createdBy string(40) Designates the user that initially generated the work order.
notificationRecipients string(32k) Personnel’s email addresses designated to receive notification of shipment and/or delivery date and times.
specialInstructions string(32k) Specifies the special instructions for the shipment.
ticketType string(enum) Type of the ticket.

value: [Shipping and Receiving]
comments array Array of comment objects

The method can be used to retrieve all shipment tickets of the customers account. 

 Method GET
End point /v1/shipment-tickets
Headers Authorization, Master-Account-Id, Account-Id
Query Parameters site, status, createdBy, size, page
Body n/a


Sample Curl Request

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Master-Account-Id: <Master-Account-Id>' \
--header 'Account-Id: <Account-Id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'



Field Name Mandatory Type Description
Master-Account-Id true string Customer master account identifier.
Account-Id true string Customer account identifier.
Authorization true string Token-based authentication.


Query Parameters

Field Name Mandatory Type Description
site false string(6) Filter by the DLR receiving facility that received shipments.
status false string(enum) Filter by state of the shipment.

values: [New, In Progress, Completed, Cancelled]
createdBy false string(40) Filter by user who generated the shipping work order.
size false integer The maximum number of search results to return.

Default value: 25
page false integer The page number of the returning search results.

Default value: 0




Sample JSON Response

    "content": [
            "id": "WO9346008",
            "title": "title sample",
            "status": "Cancelled",
            "site": "PHX015",
            "courier": "DHL",
            "requiresRemoteHandsTicket": "",
            "createdOn": "2023-09-05 15:26:27",
            "updatedOn": "2023-09-05 15:30:57",
            "closedOn": "2023-09-05 15:30:57",
            "createdBy": "fsl_test Testing"
    "pageable": {
        "last": true,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "totalElements": 25,
        "size": 25,
        "number": 0,
        "numberOfElements": 25,
        "first": true,
        "empty": false


Payload Description

Field Name Type Description
id string(20) Identifier of the shipments work order.
title string(160) Label on the work order.
status string(enum) Designates the stage of the shipment.

values: [New, In Progress, Completed, Cancelled]
site string(6) Identifier of the receiving DLR facility.
courier string(20)

Designates what company is delivering the items specified in the shipment work order.

Note : The courier field will be included in the response if the value is not "Other" .

requiresRemoteHandsTicket string RemoteHandsTicket  Specification.
createdOn string(date-time) Date on which the work order was generated.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
updatedOn string(date-time) Last date on which the work order details were modified.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
closedOn string(date-time) Date on which the work order’s status was marked Completed.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
createdBy string(40) Designates the user that initially generated the work order.

5. Create a Shipment Ticket


Customer has to create a remote hands ticket if they want DLR remote hands technician to install the equipment or deliver the  equipment to customer location. The remote hands request should reference the shipments request number.



The method can be used to create a shipment ticket. 

 Method POST
End point /v1/shipment-tickets
Headers Authorization, Master-Account-Id, Account-Id, Content-Type
Query Parameters n/a
Body title, site, description, courier, customerReference, trackingNumber, packageCount,estimatedDeliveryDate, specialInstructions,isLoadingBayRequired, notificationRecipients


Sample Curl Request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Master-Account-Id: <Master-Account-Id>' \
--header 'Account-Id: <Account-Id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "title": "Server Shipment X101",
  "site": "DFW010",
  "description": "New delivery for DFW010",
  "courier": "DHL",
  "customerReference": "REF01234",
  "trackingNumber": "TN123",
  "packageCount": 1,
  "isLoadingBayRequired": false,
  "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2022-08-22 10:00:00",
  "specialInstructions": "heavy package",
  "notificationRecipients": ","



Field Name Mandatory Type Description
Master-Account-Id true string Customer master account identifier.
Account-Id true string Customer account identifier.
Authorization true string Token-based authentication.
Content-Type true string Indicates the request body format.

value: [application/json]


Query Parameters



Field Name Mandatory Type Description
title true string(160) Label on the work order.
site true string(6) Identifier of the receiving DLR facility.
description true string(32k) Specifies in the work order what items are being shipped to the DLR receiving facility.
courier true string(20) Designates what company is delivering the items specified in the shipment work order.
customerReference false string(40) Customer Reference number.
trackingNumber true string(100) Customer identifier of the shipment work order.
packageCount false integer Number of items being shipped allocated to the work order.
isLoadingBayRequired false boolean Indicates if a loading bay is needed.
estimatedDeliveryDate true string(date) Estimated Date for Scheduled Shipment by the specified  Courier.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd] timezone: [UTC]
specialInstructions false string(32k) Specifies the special instructions for the shipment.
notificationRecipients false string(32k) Personnel’s email addresses designated to receive notification of shipment and/or delivery date and times.


Text (formatted, long)

Sample JSON Response

    "id": "WO9342719",
    "title": "Server Shipment X101",
    "status": "New",
    "site": "IAD024",
    "description": "New delivery for DFW010",
    "courier": "DHL",
    "customerReference": "REF05678",
    "trackingNumber": "",
    "requiresRemoteHandsTicket": "No",
    "packageCount": 1,
    "isLoadingBayRequired": false,
    "estimatedDeliveryDate": "",
    "createdOn": "2023-08-29 12:34:47",
    "updatedOn": "2023-08-29 13:59:05",
    "closedOn": "",
    "createdBy": "fsl_test Testing",
    "notificationRecipients": ",",
    "specialInstructions": "",
    "ticketType": "Shipping and Receiving",
    "comments": []


Payload Description

Field Name Type Description
id string(20) Identifier of the shipments work order.
title string(160) Label on the work order.
status string(enum) Designates the stage of the shipment.

values: [New, In Progress, Completed, Cancelled]
site string(6) Identifier of the receiving DLR facility.
description string(32k) Specifies in the work order what items are being shipped to the DLR receiving facility.
courier string(20) Designates what company is delivering the items specified in the shipment work order.
customerReference string(40) Customer Reference number.
trackingNumber string(100) Identifier of the courier order.
requiresRemoteHandsTicket string RemoteHandsTicket  Specification.
packageCount integer Number of items being shipped allocated to the work order.
isLoadingBayRequired boolean Indicates if a loading bay is needed.
estimatedDeliveryDate string(date-time) Estimated Date for Scheduled Shipment by the specified  Courier.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
createdOn string(date-time) Date on which the work order was generated.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
updatedOn string(date-time) Last date on which the work order details were modified.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
closedOn string(date-time) Date on which the work order’s status was marked Completed.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
createdBy string(40) Designates the user that initially generated the work order.
notificationRecipients string(32k) Personnel’s email addresses designated to receive notification of shipment and/or delivery date and times.
specialInstructions string(32k) Specifies the special instructions for the shipment.
ticketType string(enum) Type of the ticket.

value: [Shipping and Receiving]
comments array Array of comment objects

6. Update Shipment information

The method can be used to update a shipment ticket while the ticket status is still "New" or "In Progress".

 Method PUT
End point /v1/shipment-tickets/{id}
Headers Authorization, Master-Account-Id, Account-Id, Content-Type
Query Parameters n/a
Body customerReference,notificationRecipients.


Sample Curl Request

curl --location --request PUT '<id>' \
--header 'Master-Account-Id: <Master-Account-Id>' \
--header 'Account-Id: <Account-Id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "title": "Server Shipment X101",
    "site" :"IAD024",
    "description": "New delivery for DFW010",
    "specialInstructions": "Test",
    "courier": "DHL",
    "customerReference": "REF05678",
    "trackingNumber": "1",
    "packageCount": 1,
    "isLoadingBayRequired": false,
    "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2023-09-11 18:00:00",
    "notificationRecipients": ","




Field Name Mandatory Type Description
Master-Account-Id true string Customer master account identifier.
Account-Id true string Customer account identifier.
Authorization true string Token-based authentication.
Content-Type true string Indicates the request body format.

value: [application/json]


Query Parameters



Field Name Mandatory Type Description
title true string(160) Label on the work order.
site true string(6) Identifier of the receiving DLR facility.
description true string(32k) Specifies in the work order what items are being shipped to the DLR receiving facility.
specialInstructions false string(32k) Specifies the special instructions for the shipment.
courier true string(20) Designates what company is delivering the items specified in the shipment work order.
customerReference false string(40) Customer Reference number.
trackingNumber false string(100) Identifier of the courier order.
packageCount false integer Number of items being shipped allocated to the work order.
isLoadingBayRequired false boolean Indicates if a loading bay is needed.
estimatedDeliveryDate false string(date-time) Estimated Date for Scheduled Shipment by the specified  Courier.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
notificationRecipients false string(32k) Personnel’s email addresses designated to receive notification of shipment and/or delivery date and times.


Text (formatted, long)

Sample JSON Response

    "id": "WO9342719",
    "title": "Server Shipment X101",
    "status": "New",
    "site": "IAD024",
    "description": "New delivery for DFW010",
    "courier": "DHL",
    "customerReference": "REF05678",
    "trackingNumber": "",
    "requiresRemoteHandsTicket": "No",
    "packageCount": 1,
    "isLoadingBayRequired": false,
    "estimatedDeliveryDate": "",
    "createdOn": "2023-08-29 12:34:47",
    "updatedOn": "2023-08-29 13:59:05",
    "closedOn": "",
    "createdBy": "fsl_test Testing",
    "notificationRecipients": ",",
    "specialInstructions": "",
    "ticketType": "Shipping and Receiving",
    "comments": []


Payload Description

Field Name Type Description
id string(20) Identifier of the shipments work order.
title string(160) Label on the work order.
status string(enum) Designates the stage of the shipment.

values: [New, In Progress, Completed, Cancelled]
site string(6) Identifier of the receiving DLR facility.
description string(32k) Specifies in the work order what items are being shipped to the DLR receiving facility.
courier string(20) Designates what company is delivering the items specified in the shipment work order.
customerReference string(40) Customer Reference number.
trackingNumber string(100) Identifier of the courier order.
requiresRemoteHandsTicket string RemoteHandsTicket  Specification.
packageCount integer Number of items being shipped allocated to the work order.
isLoadingBayRequired boolean Indicates if a loading bay is needed.
estimatedDeliveryDate string(date-time) Estimated Date for Scheduled Shipment by the specified  Courier.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
createdOn string(date-time) Date on which the work order was generated.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
updatedOn string(date-time) Last date on which the work order details were modified.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
closedOn string(date-time) Date on which the work order’s status was marked Completed.

format: [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] timezone: [UTC]
createdBy string(40) Designates the user that initially generated the work order.
notificationRecipients string(32k) Personnel’s email addresses designated to receive notification of shipment and/or delivery date and times.
specialInstructions string(32k) Specifies the special instructions for the shipment.
ticketType string(enum) Type of the ticket.

value: [Shipping and Receiving]
comments array Array of comment objects

7. Cancel a Shipments Ticket

The method can be used to cancel a shipment ticket while the ticket status is still "New" or "In Progress".

 Method PUT
End point /v1/shipment-tickets/{id}/cancel
Headers Authorization, Master-Account-Id, Account-Id, Content-Type
Query Parameters n/a
Body cancelReason


Sample Curl Request

curl --location --request PUT '<id>/cancel' \
--header 'Master-Account-Id: <Master-Account-Id>' \
--header 'Account-Id: <Account-Id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "cancelReason": "Request no longer needed"



Field Name Mandatory Type Description
Master-Account-Id true string Customer master account identifier.
Account-Id true string Customer account identifier.
Authorization true string Token-based authentication.
Content-Type true string Indicates the request body format.

value: [application/json]


Query Parameters



Field Name Mandatory Type Description
cancelReason false string(enum) Reason of the cancellation.

values: [Duplicate request, Request entered in error, Request no longer needed]

default: [Request no longer needed]


Sample JSON Response

    "message": "Work Order WO9332376 has been cancelled."


Payload Description

Field Name Type Description
message string(255) Acknowledgement message of the cancellation.

8. Add a Comment or Attachment

Text (formatted, long)

Add Comments

Add comments to an existing work order. Multiple comments can be added to a work order as long as the status of the order is not closed or cancelled. Refer to the Comments API instructions on how to add comments. You may skip this step if you already know how to add comments.


Text (formatted, long)

Add Attachments

Add attachments to an existing work order. Multiple attachments can be added to a work order as long as the status of the order is not closed or cancelled. Refer to the Attachments API for instructions on how to add attachments. You may skip this step if you already know how to add attachments.

Response Codes

Text (formatted, long)

Please check the Response Codes overview in case of any issues.

Need Help?

Have not found what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!
