Available Environments
Featured APIs
Deep dive into DLR APIs. Read through our API docs to start learning and testing and discover what we can offer you.
API Development is now effortless and instantaneous using the Digital Realty Developer Portal. Click below to register an account with us.
Do you need help with our APIs or going to production? Then search our FAQ to find answers you’re looking for or contact us.
Achieve your digital vision by integrating our APIs with your applications.
Realize how our API capabilities can enhance your digital transformation.
Playground is an environment where you can check out our APIs providing static production-like data even before becoming a DLR customer and integrating your applications.
Sandbox is a separate test environment where you can test our APIs after signing-up as a DLR customer. Register through our on-boarding process to proceed.
Production is utilized when you are ready to go live and run the APIs in a formal environment. Register through our on-boarding process for formal on-boarding.
Provides a token-based authentication to allow an application to access a DLR API.
Request Remote Hands technicians to perform work on their equipment at DLR Data Centers.
This Facility Access API allow customers to request badges and visitor access for on-site visits for customers and temporary vendor visits for any DLR data center site.
Have not found what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!